Research Archive

July 15, 2021 / Ben Bajarin

Apple and Developer Satisfaction With App Store

536 developers for Apple’s software platforms participated in a study Creative Strategies fielded in late May. What makes our study results particularly interesting, is the makeup of our panel ended up being small business developers making less than $500,000 a year from their apps. With 55% of them making their apps for a living or…

July 7, 2021 / Ben Bajarin

For Peloton Owners, Hardware + Software = Delight

We were excited to run our Delight Scale on Peloton and see if it truly stood up to the glowing fanfare coming from consumers on social media. Sure enough, Peloton scored a 960, out of the possible 1200, on our Delight Scale with some of the most overwhelming positive sentiment of any consumer product we…

May 26, 2021 / Ben Bajarin

The Tech Industry Build Out Cycle

One of the more interesting conversations to be happening around the tech industry currently is what kind of a cycle we are in? In the last few years, I’ve noticed an interesting tension that emerged because, as a whole, the tech industry has just come off a period of significant rapid invention and innovation. From…

April 29, 2021 / Ben Bajarin

Surprised by Apple

The only thing that keeps surprising me about Apple is that people keep being surprised by their ability to keep delivering great quarterly revenues. But, of course, I know the point I’m making is more of an industry and investor one since most of Apple’s customers pay no attention to their earnings. I have participated…

April 25, 2021 / Ben Bajarin

Intel’s Unleashes a Turnaround

Yesterday, Intel announced a series of efforts that may one day be looked back at as foundational for their turnaround. Despite Intel being in a strong market position in many of the areas they compete in, the leadership zeal Intel once brought to the technology industry had been waning, and when it came to looking…

April 4, 2021 / Ben Bajarin

Enterprise Workplace Epiphanies

The last year has led to a number of what I call “COVID Epiphanies” by employees and employers. One of the main concerns I’ve heard was what the impact COVID would have to corporate culture going forward and how much more in control of their destiny employees will become. We have never seen such a…

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